Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Night Before Debarkation


Tomorrow I leave home. No, not NY, but my shipboard community home. To even try and sum up my semester would take a whole book. I feel like a different person in a lot of ways after this voyage. I have met some amazing people (in country and on the ship), I have seen beautiful sights, I have placed my feet on new continents, countries and soil and I have learned more in 4 months about life, humans and myself then I imagined I would.

Tomorrow I will take my ID card and swipe out one last time.

I am already an Alumni since class is over as well as finals.

I don’t have much time to write but I wanted to get some thoughts out!!


For My Family:

Thank you for those who have inspired me and helped me get to where I am. My parents, Aunt Marianne and The Nash Kids. Growing up I always herd of your adventures traveling and It help shape my passion to see and experience the world. My supportive and loving grandfather and my friends who cheered me on and helped me on the days I needed them.


For future SASers created by Chelsea, Bridgett, Kim and I:

1)      Get ready for the biggest change in your life so far. Of course you might not believe me now, but it’s coming.

2)      Can you really travel the world and not be changed in some way?

3)      The MV Explorer is more than a cruise ship.  It will truly become home. When coming back from a long trip in a foreign country there is nothing more comforting than the MV’s lights guiding you home.

4)      Go to all pre-ports. Sit in the union!

5)      Get involved. Don’t spend a lot of time in your cabin.

6)      Save money and go economy. I have three roomies and even though at times its crowded they are my best friends. The extra 3,000 for a non-economy cabin can be used in port.

7)      Keep an open mind.

8)      Pack light. Bring a crap load home.

9)      Best shopping is in Morocco and SA

10)   Take a picture of the ocean every day, it’s a special treat.

11)   Commit to sending mail out.

12)   Get a SAS family.

13)   Travel with different people in ports.

14)   Don’t do SAS trips in every port. Only do a few.

15)   Take school seriously. Your classes are important and you learn a lot about the countries you’re going to in some of them.


I will reflect after some time has gone by.


But for now I am beyond words





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