Tuesday, March 19, 2013

India- Day 5

                Today I am back on the ship before South Africa. We have 5 days of classes and a study day before we get there. But on the bright side the sea Olympics are coming up. The opening ceremonies are tomorrow night. On our day off from class all of the “seas” which we were split into at the beginning of the voyage compete against each other in random and silly events. I am in the Caribbean sea and our color is black, so we decided we would be the pirates of the Caribbean  and that would be our theme. I am participating in tug-o-war and a wet suit race. So I guess I better get my arms ready for the competition.


March 10th

                We woke up early so we could see some of the city before we had to be at the airport (2:45pm flight back to our port city). We found someone who would drive us around and show us some sites in the 5 hours we had. We ended up going to the parliament house, two museums dedicated to Gandhi and his wife and largest arch in India. All of which were cool. I really enjoyed the Gandhi museum and I wish we had more time there. The museum is on the spot if which he lived for his last 144 days before he was shot. All over are messages of peace, stories of what he did during his life, movies and in the back of his house there is a monument in the place he was praying before he was killed. It was such a peaceful place and I wish we had more time there to read more about him and take in the place. But by the time we saw these three places we had to head to the airport because it was an hour away and we did not want to risk missing out flight.

                We got to the airport about 1.5 hours before takeoff. The Delhi airport is beautiful and was one of the best airports I have ever been through. Once inside there was a huge mall and food court we we did some shopping and eating. Our flight got delayed so we decided to get some drinks before our flight which finally left at around 3:30. Our flight was 4 hours, with a stop in between. I have never been on a flight that stops and you don’t get off so that was kind of cool. Other than that I slept the whole flight other than when we had dinner. Once we got to Cochin we went right to the ship since it was almost 8pm. Me and my roommate pretty much went to bed before 10pm so we could go out and explore more of the area around the ship the next day and not be totally exhausted.

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