Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lots of school. Lots of paperwork

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.      – Anne Frank


Today was a schoolwork day and a “paperwork” day. AKA getting ready for Oswego next semester by getting ready for class registration. Also trying to figure out financial aid and more. Oye how hard it is getting all of this done when you have hardly any internet. I could get more but it’s another 15 dollars for only 30 minutes of internet. I had to use the last of my internet for looking up my Oswego class information.


So here is some questions I have been pondering and I want to hear all of your answers and thoughts because I am trying to see it in many ways!!!


1)      How do we define poverty? What makes a person in Poverty?

-We had a discussion on this and I think someone made a good point that unless someone has these basic things (food, clean water, sanitation, roof over their head, sanitation and clothing) a bonus is education. Without the first 6 things it is harder to actually work on education.


2)      What causes poverty?


3)      What can be done to help those in poverty?


Most of the world lives in Poverty, but so does a lot of the USA.


So what needs to be done in the USA to eliminate poverty.


4)      Will poverty always exist no matter what?

-          I mean think about the jobs no one wants to do because they don’t make a lot of money or those who don’t care about education.



Even if you don’t want to email me your answer, try and think. Maybe you really don’t care about any of these issues but it is one of the biggest issues we face in America and on a worldly scale.

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