Saturday, January 19, 2013

Living in a seemingly fantasy world that is SAS

Things I have grown to love about this shipboard community

1)      The ability to feel comfortable around strangers.

In a normal situation at college, if you walked up to a table of people and asked if you could join them, it would most likely be a bit awkward and not at all normal. But on SAS every night I eat with different people and meet someone new. It is not awkward, there is no need to feel self-conscious about joining others at dinner, in fact it’s seen as “cool” to meet and eat with new people. Things like this just make us closer as a community.

2)      Kindness of others. It’s easy to talk to people and everyone is so willing to get to know others and strike up friendly conversation.

3)      Dinner conversations. I am not used to sitting and talk to people over dinner on a regular basis for over an hour every day, but it makes the night so much more complete.

4)      Ability to eat and easily contact professors. I have had the opportunity to actually get to know my teachers and have full conversations with them, something totally different from Oswego where a lot of professors are very busy and to meet outside of the classroom is restricted to office hours and otherwise it is much more formal.

5)      My roommates. Once a day we usually are all actually in the room and we all get along so well. We are all usually out studying, in class or something else which is good because we might get sick of each other otherwise since we live in a small room. But we all have different class times and things we are involved in.

6)      Every night seminars. It’s nice to know that beyond classes we have the opportunity to go and learn about things related to the next country we are visiting.

7)      Everyone’s love for travel, exploring and seeing new places


Today I had classes. It was an A day, so I had my Religion classes. I took a nap because I was not feeling so hot and now I am in my room relaxing before dinner. It is 6:30 our time, we were 6 hours behind you. I will post soon more about Hawaii, I am still gathering my thoughts and stuff, I posted more about the community onboard because it was on my mind all day. I hope to actually get a list of things I liked about Hawaii, didn’t like, thigs I noticed/ thought was cool. Maybe I will do that later tonight after dinner… who knows.


On January 20th we will cross over the international dateline. With this we will completely skip over January 21st, so that day won’t exist for us. So I hope you all enjoy that day since I will never experience it!





PS: I love emails lol. They help distract me from schoolwork and make me feel connected to you guys since I always send out information but can only receive information through email. I have no clue who actually reads my blog so it would be cool to get an email sometime and see who reads it!

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