Sunday, January 6, 2013

The night before the start of my Journey (added late because of laptop issues)

Tomorrow I start my trip by flying to California!
The way I have handled SAS since I paid my deposit:
1 year before SAS: Overly nervous and excited. preparing all the time and anxious to talk to anyone about it who would listen
6 months before: Silent about it, hardly brought it up
4 months ago: Stressed about paperwork, visas and more. Excited but more nervous
1 month ago: Physically sick from thinking about it, overly excited.

Now the night before:
My expectations of tonight: Feeling sick, no sleep and lots of tears
Reality: Peace. Tired and ready for bed

I am ready to go.
Ready to travel, explore, change, grow and most of all experience a trip not many people have done before me. Not many people can say they have traveled to around the world.

I am so blessed, and lucky. 

This is all able to happen for me because I was blessed with a Great Grandmother who valued education and wished to see that we her grandchildren were able to go to college. I know most people wouldn't have this opportunity to do SAS and because of her... I can.

Bring it world

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